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Learn Strategy is designed to be a free resource to enhance the teaching and learning of strategy principles. This site is designed and maintained by David Kryscynski, Associate Professor of Strategy at Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management. The materials were created through collaboration with Rich Makadok at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management, the strategy faculty at Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management, and Brigham Young University’s Center for Teaching and Learning. You can learn more about each of these contributors below.

While this site is designed to be a free resource, it is designed as a companion to the Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases textbook by Jeff Dyer, Paul Godfrey, Robert Jensen, and David Bryce. Students of strategy who purchase this textbook will gain access to a more complete set of resources than we can make freely available at LearnStrategy.org. Professors who assign this textbook can access test banks and slide decks to enhance the teaching and learning experience.


Brigham Young University is the largest private university in the United States with over 32,000 students. It is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints with a clear mission “to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life.” Accordingly, there are four aims of a BYU education: (1) Spiritually Strengthening, (2) Intellectually Enlarging, (3) Character Building, and (4) Leading to Lifelong Learning and Service. Upon entering BYU campus you are greeted with the message: “Enter to Learn, Go forth to Serve.” This Learn Strategy site seeks consistency with BYU’s message of service to the world. We hope to provide a useful resource that, in time, will be fully free to all individuals who hope to use it.


The Marriott School of Management has an educational mission to “attract, develop, place and continue to engage men and women of faith, character, and professional ability who will become outstanding leaders and positively influence a world we wish to improve.” The Marriott School’s MBA and Undergraduate programs are consistently ranked among the best in the United States. The school also has a scholarship mission to “advance knowledge using strong conceptual and spiritual foundations to identify and solve management problems” and a service mission to “serve in academic, professional, and civil organizations, extending the benefits of management education and scholarship to the university, to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and to the world.” More than 2,000 undergraduates and more than 1,000 graduate students enroll in the Marriott School of Management.


The mission of the Brigham Young University Center for Teaching and Learning is to assist faculty in improving student learning in the context of the Aims of a BYU Education.

BYU’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) provides a variety of services to support teaching and enhance student learning:

  • consultations with experienced teaching consultants,
  • assistance with assessment and evaluation,
  • production of multi-media and on-line tools to support learning,
  • and more!


David Kryscynski (“DK”) is an Assistant Professor of Strategy at Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management. He completed his PhD in 2011 from Emory University’s Goizueta Business School. His research focuses on exploring the conditions under which human capital can be a source of competitive advantage, or, in other words, he explores how organizations compete through their people. His published work appears in top management journals including Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Academy of Management Perspectives, and Journal of Management. His consulting work focuses on helping organizations design the right organizational strategies for the fast changing business world and then tightly align their human capital to deliver on their strategy. DK is also a passionate teacher who loves his students and is humbled by the opportunity to help them learn strategy.


Rich Makadok is a Professor of Management at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management. He is a thought leader in strategic management research. Using his “Four Theories of Profit” framework, he focuses on developing a comprehensive overall understanding of the four main mechanisms that determine the profitability of a business (competitive advantage, rivalry restraint, information asymmetry, and commitment timing) and how those mechanisms affect each other. He has also developed an innovative theory of hybrid governance forms that merge elements of both an organizational hierarchy and a market transaction. His empirical work focuses on developing indirect measures for the elusive concept of organizational capability and using these measures to predict the performance and strategic decisions of firms, in order to test theories of competitive advantage.

Contact Information

David Kryscynski 567 TNRB
Assistant Professor of Strategy Provo, UT 84602
Marriott School of Management 801-422-6829
Brigham Young University dk@byu.edu

Mission Statement on Education

Attract, develop, place, and continue to engage men and women of faith, character, and professional ability who will become outstanding leaders and positively influence a world we wish to improve.

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